Recommendation to foreign visitors:
instead of using "tour to transnistria" or "trip to transnistria" use "tour to pridnestrovie" or "trip to pridnestrovie".
info for foreign visitors:
The western word Transnistria is by PMR-law (dated 04.09.2024) equated with symbol of fascism and prohibited in Pridnestrovie.

Tour "From north to south"

PMR (Pridnestrovie/Transdniestria): from north to south

Dear friends, with deep feeling of love towards PMR (Pridnestrovie/Transdniestria) we represent our “From-north-to-south-tour“. This tour is a unique concept with the attempt to show the multifacetedness and variety of our republic on the Dniester river. This is an exciting trip through the whole PMR (Transdniestria): from the most northern city Camenca down to our capital Tiraspol. The tour is based on 3 elements we put focus on:

  1. Soviet-Pridnestrovian (Transdniestrian) identity through architecture: monuments, memorials, churches, parks, alleys, stadiums, sculptures, busts, walls of honor, coats of arms, flags, commemorative signs.
  2. PMR´s (Transdniestria´s) nature: beautiful views on river Dnestr, trees, hills, fields, orchards and vineyards.
  3. Bus stops with unique motives: peasants and labor, Moldavian ornaments, chess, fishing and swimming. Bus stops are situated on the road Camenca-Tiraspol between villages in different geographical points.
General program of “From-north-to-south-tour” (duration 9-10 hours):
  1. Tour´s beginning at 9:00 in the morning. Transfer from Tiraspol to Camenca (175 km)
  2. Camenca city
  3. Rascovo village
  4. Caterinovca village
  5. Ribnita city. Meal in the city center
  6. Ghidirim village
  7. Dubasari city
  8. Grigoriopol city
  9. Return to Tiraspol. Tour ends at 18-19 o clock p.m.
Detailed tour description:
  1. Tour´s beginning at 9 o clock in the morning. Transfer from Tiraspol to Camenca (175 km)
  2. Camenca city: Lenin monument in city center, Wittgenstein Park, Memorial of Glory for Great Patriotic War, church.
  3. Rascovo village: tractor monument, bust of hero of Soviet Union Fiodor Zharchinskiy, Lenin monument, Polish Saint-Caietan-Cathedral from the 18th century (not always open), synagogue walls from the 18th century, water source "Panska Krynytsya".
  4. Caterinovca village: monument «Lenin with children».
  5. Ribnita city: Lunch in city center. Steel Mill (we don´t visit the factory. You can see the head office of the factory and one of chimneys only from outside, photo not allowed), Lenin monument, soviet mosaics on the house of culture, Stela of Memorial of Glory for the Great Patriotic War, Saint-Josef-Roman-Catholic-Church, Michail-Archangel-Cathedral.
  6. Ghidirim village: monument for Soviet soldiers.
  7. Dubasari city:Lenin monument, Memorial of Glory, Soviet stadium, Hydroelectric Dam (photo of the factory not allowed), river beach (you can swim in Dniester river in summer).
  8. Grigoriopol city: Memorial of Glory for the Great Patriotic War, Lenin monument, orthodox chapel, monument for Catherine the Great.
  9. Return to Tiraspol.
Tour cost:
  • For 1 person: 250 euro.
  • For the group of 2 persons: 130 euro per 1 person.
  • For the group of 3 persons: 100 euro per 1 person.
  • For the group of 4 persons: 95 euro per 1 person.
  • For the group from 5 to 8 persons: 90 euro per 1 person.
  • For the group from 9 to 15 persons: 85 euro per 1 person.
  • More than 15 persons: 70 euro per 1 person.
In tour included:
  • Transfer Tiraspol-Camenca-Tiraspol.
  • Lunch (to be paid by guest) in city center of Ribnita(the cost of lunch is about 10 euro).
  • Excursions in the listed villages and cities.
  • Guide and car with respective amount of seats.
  • Possibility to take pictures during the tour and on the way.
Booking tour & transfer Chisinau-Tiraspol: